Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 24

Day 24: The Cost of Being Offended  

Mark 6:6  

Nazareth missed out on Jesus’ miracles because of their offense. They couldn’t look past their familiarity with him to see what God was doing through him. Being easily offended cost them the blessings God had for them. How many blessings do we miss out on when we let offense take over?

When we’re quick to take offense, we limit our ability to experience the fullness of what God is doing. But when we let go of offense and keep our hearts open, we make space for God to move in our lives in unexpected ways.

Have you ever missed out on something good because you were too offended? How can you keep offense from blocking God’s work in your life?

Lord, help me to let go of offense so I don’t miss out on what you’re doing in my life. Keep my heart open to your blessings. Amen.

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