On the Road Again - DAY 12

Day 12: The Heart of the Lord’s Prayer

Luke 11:2-4

Jesus teaches his disciples the Lord’s Prayer, a model prayer. Luke’s version is “fat free” - it lacks some of the phrases from Matthew (see Mt 6), the version we typically pray in church. But the meat is there: God, kingdom, physical and spiritual needs, and right vs. wrong.

Maybe the most surprising thing about the Lord’s Prayer is it’s focus on asking God for stuff. I’d expect Jesus to frown on that, but he encourages it! Most of the time when the Bible talks about prayer, it simply means asking God for stuff. That might sound too simple but I think it makes sense because we never stop needing God. We need God by design. The model prayer reminds us that we never outgrow our need for God.

How does the Lord’s Prayer shape your understanding of what to ask for in prayer? Do you regularly pray for both your physical and spiritual needs?

Father, thank You for teaching us to pray. Help me to rely on You for all my needs and align my desires with Your will. Amen.

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