On the Road Again - DAY 2

DAY 2 - Resting in God’s Presence

Luke 5:16, Exodus 33:14

We pride ourselves on being busy, don’t we? Who wants to say, “I’ve been doing nothing useful - totally lazy!”

Busy isn’t bad, but in today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in constant busyness and neglect our need for rest. Even Jesus frequently withdrew to quiet places to pray and commune with his heavenly Father. He was trying to lead a retreat for himself and the apostles before feeding the 5,000.

God invites us to find true rest in his presence. There, away from distractions, God refreshes our souls, speaks to our hearts, and aligns our priorities with his. Make time today to get away with God, even if just for a few minutes. Experience the peace and restoration that comes from abiding with God.

How do you balance being busy with ministry or work while also taking time for spiritual rest and recharging? What does a healthy rhythm of work and rest look like in your life?

Father, thank you for meaningful work. Thank you for rest. Help me make time to rest in your presence. Amen.

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