Psalms DAY 17

DAY 17 - Rooted or Rootless?

Psalm 1:1-4

We need to consider both what Psalm 1 says and what it does. First, what does Psalm 1 say? 

Psalm 1 is all about what it means to be blessed. Blessing is another of way of saying “the good life” or “happy.” It paints a picture of the good life by contrasting it with the cursed life of the wicked. Psalm 1 first tells us what blessed people don’t do. V.1, “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers.” 

Walk, stand, sit. It’s a subtle progression. Walking with the wicked means you’re just hanging with someone up to no good. That leads to “standing in the way” of sinners. Remember when we talked about the Way of Jesus? When biblical writers talk about “the way,” they’re talking about a whole set of moral choices. It’s your lifestyle, your whole way of life. Finally, sitting means you’re now the teaching authority on being bad. You’re influencing others to sin. 

What happens as we walk down one or the other of these roads? V.3, the blessed person has roots and fruits. She’s deeply rooted where there’s real nourishment. She flourishes and bears fruit. Ultimately, she stands up under God’s scrutiny and is saved.

“Not so the wicked.” I love how simple and serious v.4 is. The blessed are rooted, the wicked are rootless. They’re carried off all over like the wind blows useless husks off a crop. The wicked ultimately won’t survive God’s judgment. 

Think about those two pictures: rooted vs. rootless. A good life is one where we’re deeply rooted in God, drawing strength and nourishment from him. Prayer is both cause and effect from being rooted in God. We’ll read more about it this week, but today think about those two pictures.

Which picture do you relate to most: being rooted or rootless? Why?

Lord, I want to be the blessed person who walks the path of salvation. Help me to be rooted in you. Amen.

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