Psalms DAY 20

DAY 20 - Divine Reading

Psalm 1

How do we meditate like Psalm 1 encourages?

One of the best - and easiest - ways I’ve found is called lectio divina. It’s an old Latin phrase that means “divine reading.” It’s a simple way to read the Bible that helps us think WITH God so we can talk TO God.

Lectio has four parts. You’ll find different names for the four parts but they’re basically the same. You read a short passage of Scripture four separate times with a different goal each time.

First, you read the passage for basic understanding. Use your imagination to explore the words and pictures.

Second, after a minute or three, you read it again, this time listening for a word or phrase that speaks to you, then reflect on it.

Third, after a minute or three, read it a third time, then respond by praying. Our Life Group has been learning to use the words from Scripture itself to shape what we pray.

Finally, read it a fourth time, then pausing to rest in God’s presence. When you’re day, end with a short prayer. Anyone can do this. Lectio divina is thinking WITH God to help you talk TO God.

As we meditate on God’s Word, we’ll find ourselves more and more drawn to Jesus, the living Word of God. All Scripture points to Jesus and through Jesus we better understand Scripture. I’m convinced Jesus meditated on Scripture. Thinking WITH God shaped how he talked TO God. It shaped everything he did. As we follow his lead, we’ll find ourselves “rooted and built up in him.”

Take a moment today to practice lectio divina with Psalm 1

Create your own prayer today using lectio divina.

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