On the Road Again - DAY 14

Day 14: The Father’s Goodness

Luke 11:9-13
How often do you ask your heavenly father for what you want or need? We face many situations every day where we’re a bit unsure when we could use a little bit of help. Did you lose something? Did you ask for your Father‘s help? Are you worried about your kids or grandkids? Have you asked your Father for help? Not sure how to settle a disagreement with a coworker or friend? Have you prayed yet?
Don’t just ask for what you need - ask for what you want, too. Yes, the Lord’s Prayer focuses on aligning our wants with God’s wants, but those can’t be aligned if we’re not honest about what we want to start with. You’ve got to be honest with God about what you want. Later in the Gospel, we’ll see Jesus doing just that in the Garden of Gethsemane. He wants to avoid the agony of the cross but still save us. So he asks for an alternative but then says, “Not what I want but what you want, Father.”
Don’t hold back: ask the father for what you really want. If it’s not something good, something Christ-like, the Father will work that out, probably as you pray. Ask, and keep asking, because your Father loves to give.

How do you view God’s willingness to answer your prayers? Do you believe He wants to give you good things?

Father, thank You for Your goodness and generosity. Help me to trust in Your love and come to You with my needs and desires. Amen.

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