Helping people be

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).
Jesus is Lord! This good news at the heart of Scripture shapes all that we do. It’s the ground of our unity. It’s God’s power to change lives for good. It’s our salvation. The gospel must be clear, compelling, and woven into everything we do.
Jesus is Lord! This good news at the heart of Scripture shapes all that we do. It’s the ground of our unity. It’s God’s power to change lives for good. It’s our salvation. The gospel must be clear, compelling, and woven into everything we do.

As the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18).
By the grace of God, we can change. God’s love for us awakens life-changing holy love in us. We preach, expect, experience, and celebrate real transformation. Transformation through intentional and practical discipleship to Jesus. Our commitment to coach everyone in a life of transformational discipleship shapes all we do.
By the grace of God, we can change. God’s love for us awakens life-changing holy love in us. We preach, expect, experience, and celebrate real transformation. Transformation through intentional and practical discipleship to Jesus. Our commitment to coach everyone in a life of transformational discipleship shapes all we do.

We will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ (Ephesians 4:15).
God made us from and for community. God also made us be like Jesus Christ. We grow best when we grow together. We insist on “truth in love” - honesty with each other and compassion toward each other. We do ministry together as a team and in teams. We’re committed to watching over one another in love.
God made us from and for community. God also made us be like Jesus Christ. We grow best when we grow together. We insist on “truth in love” - honesty with each other and compassion toward each other. We do ministry together as a team and in teams. We’re committed to watching over one another in love.

Don’t hesitate to be enthusiastic—be on fire in the Spirit as you serve the Lord! (Romans 12:11)
The Bible repeatedly celebrates wholehearted devotion to God. We’re called to love God with all our being, which overflows in love for others. Our enthusiasm for Jesus demands excellence, giving the best of whatever we’ve got to God, not our leftovers. Passionate devotion for God and excellence should mark all our efforts.
The Bible repeatedly celebrates wholehearted devotion to God. We’re called to love God with all our being, which overflows in love for others. Our enthusiasm for Jesus demands excellence, giving the best of whatever we’ve got to God, not our leftovers. Passionate devotion for God and excellence should mark all our efforts.

Christ gave gifts to equip God’s holy people to do the work of ministry, to build up Christ’s body. (Ephesians 4:12)
Ministry isn’t for a chosen few. Every believer is gifted for and called to ministry. Pastors and other church leaders equip people to be part of God’s mission together. Our ministry together is all hands on deck and high participation. Our work together propels us out into the world for compassion, service, evangelism.
Ministry isn’t for a chosen few. Every believer is gifted for and called to ministry. Pastors and other church leaders equip people to be part of God’s mission together. Our ministry together is all hands on deck and high participation. Our work together propels us out into the world for compassion, service, evangelism.