On the Road Again - DAY 15

Day 15: Trusting the Father

John 14:8-9

I wonder how much of our hesitation about asking and keeping it up is a simple lack of trust in our heavenly father. God loves you and wants to give you what’s good. God made you to be with him. And when our sins separated us from God and we couldn’t do anything about it, God came to the rescue. Because he loves us, God the Father sent Jesus to pay the price for sin through his death and resurrection. Everyone who trusts God gets eternal life - life that starts now and lasts forever. If you want to see God’s heart, God’s love, God’s trustworthiness, look at Jesus. Jesus says in John 14:9, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.”

Trusting in the Father’s love is the foundation of our prayer life. When we trust that He loves us and wants to give us good things, we can confidently ask and keep asking, knowing He delights in providing for us.

How does seeing Jesus help you trust the Father more? How can you deepen your trust in God’s love?

Lord Jesus, thank You for showing us the Father’s heart. Help me to trust in the Father’s love and confidently bring my needs to Him in prayer. Amen.

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