Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 22

Day 22: Expecting Rejection  

Mark 6:4  

Jesus knew that prophets aren’t always welcome in their hometowns. He expected the rejection he faced in Nazareth. He didn’t let it surprise him or throw him off course. Sometimes we’re caught off guard when people reject us or criticize us, but maybe we can take a lesson from Jesus and expect it. Rejection is part of life, and it doesn’t have to derail us.

When we expect that not everyone will understand or support us, we can prepare ourselves to stay focused on God’s call. Jesus didn’t let rejection define him, and neither should we.

Have you ever been surprised by rejection? How can you prepare yourself to handle rejection in a way that keeps you focused on God’s purpose?

Lord, when I face rejection, help me to stay grounded in your love and purpose for my life. Give me the strength to keep moving forward. Amen.

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