Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 21

Day 21: When Offense Stumbles  

Read Mark 6:1-3  

When Jesus went back to his hometown, the people were amazed by him—but not in a good way. Instead of celebrating his wisdom and miracles, they took offense. They couldn’t see past who they thought Jesus was, the carpenter’s son, to recognize who he truly was. Their offense became a stumbling block, keeping them from experiencing the fullness of Jesus’ ministry.

How often do we let our own offenses trip us up? We stumble over someone’s words or actions, taking it personally, and before we know it, we’re stuck in a place of hurt or anger. But just like Jesus, we can learn to let go of offense. We can choose to focus on what God is doing in and through us, instead of dwelling on the things that trip us up.

What offense are you holding onto that has become a stumbling block for you? How can you depersonalize it and move forward?

Lord, help me to let go of offense. Teach me to focus on your purpose for my life and not to stumble over the things that trip me up. Amen.

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