Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 20

Day 20: Trusting God’s Call  
By Pastor Casey Taylor

Read Exodus 3:12  
When Moses questioned his ability to lead, God didn’t give him a pep talk about his skills or qualifications. Instead, God gave him the most powerful assurance: “I will be with you.” That promise changed everything. Moses wasn’t going to lead the Israelites alone—God would be with him every step of the way.

Our confidence doesn’t come from our abilities or talents. It comes from knowing that God is with us. When God calls us, He also promises to walk alongside us, equipping us for the journey ahead. We can trust in His presence, even when we feel unprepared.

REFLECT: Where in your life do you need to be reminded that God is with you? How does knowing God is with you change your perspective on His call?

PRAY: Lord, thank You for the assurance that You are with me. Help me to lean on Your presence and trust that You will guide me through every challenge. Amen.

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