Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 14

Day 14: Thriving in Hard Places

Jeremiah 29:5-7

Instead of simply surviving in exile, God called His people to thrive—to build homes, plant gardens, and seek the prosperity of their new community. God’s plans for us often include blessing us - and making us a blessing to others - right in the middle of difficult circumstances. We can’t wait until things are “just right” to see God at work.

Seek what’s good where you are right now. Even in our struggles, we can find ways to build, bless, and grow. Thriving isn’t about avoiding hardship—it’s about flourishing in it because we know God is with us.

How can you seek to thrive and bless others, even in the midst of difficult situations?


Father, help me to thrive wherever You have placed me. Teach me to seek the good of those around me and to trust that You are with me in every circumstance. Amen.

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