Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 12

Day 12: Beware of Wishful Thinking

 Read: Jeremiah 29:8-9 

Jeremiah warned the exiles against listening to false prophets who promised quick and easy solutions. These so-called prophets gave the people false hope, saying exactly what they wanted to hear, rather than telling them the hard truth. This kind of wishful thinking leads us away from real growth and keeps us stuck in denial.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing things will magically get better without any real effort or change. But God wants us to face reality, even when it’s hard, because true healing and growth happen when we stop running from the truth.

Are there any areas in your life where you’re clinging to wishful thinking instead of facing reality? How can you refocus on God’s truth and take action?

Father, protect me from wishful thinking. Help me face the truth and trust Your plan for my life. Give me the courage to act on Your guidance. Amen.

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