Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 11

Day 11: Accepting What You Can’t Control
By Pastor Casey Taylor

Read: Jeremiah 29:4-7

The exiles in Babylon wanted to go home immediately. They were stuck in a place they didn’t want to be, suffering the consequences of choices made by others. But God’s message through Jeremiah was simple: accept where you are and settle in. “Build houses and settle down... seek the peace and prosperity of the city.”

This is a hard pill to swallow when we want things to change. But God’s wisdom here is profound. Instead of fighting or wishing for a quick escape, God invites us to focus on what we can control—building, planting, and seeking the peace of the place we’re in. Sometimes, the best way to thrive is to accept what we cannot change and trust God with the rest.

Where are you struggling to accept your current circumstances? How can you settle in and seek peace right where you are?

Lord, help me to accept what I cannot change and focus on what You’ve called me to do today. Teach me to trust Your plan even when it’s hard. Amen.
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