Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 9

Day 9: Boundaries that Protect Us from Sin
By Pastor Casey Taylor

READ: 1 Kings 21:11-13

The elders and nobles in Jezebel’s scheme didn’t stand up to her. Their lack of boundaries led to sin and injustice. It’s a cautionary tale for us: when we don’t set clear boundaries, especially in areas of temptation, we open the door to sin. We must protect ourselves with God’s Word, using it as a boundary that guides our choices and keeps us aligned with His will. We’re not sure what consequences these so-called leaders experienced, but we know how their complicity affected Naboth.

Jesus resisted temptation in the wilderness by using Scripture as his boundary. He knew where to draw the line and trusted God’s Word to guide him. As we face temptation or pressure to compromise, we must rely on God’s truth as the firm foundation for our boundaries.

REFLECT: What areas of your life need stronger boundaries to guard against sin? How can you use Scripture to set and maintain these limits?

PRAY: Father, help me set boundaries that protect me from sin. Teach me to lean on Your Word for guidance and strength. Amen.

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