Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 7

Day 7: Respecting Boundaries

READ 1 Kings 21:5-7

Jezebel didn’t respect boundaries. When Naboth said “No,” she saw it as an obstacle to overcome, not as a line to honor. It’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to control situations or people around us when we don’t get what we want. But respecting someone’s boundaries is part of loving them well, and it’s essential for healthy relationships.

Jesus never forced himself on others. He extended invitations, but he respected when people chose to walk away. As his followers, we should do the same. Respecting others’ boundaries is a way to mirror God’s love — allowing people the freedom to make their choices while maintaining our integrity.

Do you struggle with respecting others’ boundaries? How can you practice patience and humility in situations where you don’t get your way?

Father, help me respect the boundaries of others with love and grace. Teach me to let go of control and trust in Your plan. Amen.

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