Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 6

Day 6: Saying No with Strength

READ 1 Kings 21:1-4

Ahab wanted Naboth’s vineyard and expected an easy deal. But Naboth said, “No.” This wasn’t just a personal preference; it was about honoring the boundaries set by God’s law. Naboth’s refusal wasn’t out of stubbornness but from a deep sense of responsibility and faithfulness.

In our lives, we face situations where we need to say “No” — to unhealthy relationships, bad habits, or sinful pressures. It’s not always easy, but setting boundaries is part of living faithfully.

Saying “No” doesn’t have to be about rejection. It’s about choosing what honors God and protects your spiritual health. Naboth’s courage to stand firm, despite the pressure from a king, reminds us that our boundaries matter to God. Just as he stood by Naboth, God strengthens us to hold the line where it’s needed.

Where in your life do you need the courage to say “No”? How can trusting in God’s strength help you set boundaries that honor Him?

Lord, give me the strength to say “No” when it’s necessary. Help me trust that boundaries protect my heart and honor You. Amen.

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