Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 5

Day 5: Choosing Connection  

Read Ruth 1:16-17

Ruth’s famous words to Naomi—“Where you go, I will go... your people will be my people and your God my God”—are a powerful declaration of loyalty and love. In choosing to stay with Naomi, Ruth models what it looks like to choose connection, even when it’s hard. Connection requires vulnerability and commitment. It means sticking together through difficult seasons and trusting that God will use those relationships to strengthen and sustain us.

Connection is a choice we make, even in the hardest of times.

What steps can you take to prioritize connection over isolation in your life? How can you be more intentional about staying connected with God and others?


Lord, help me to choose connection, even when it’s hard. Give me the courage to remain committed to the relationships You’ve placed in my life, trusting that You are working through them. Amen.

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