Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 4

Day 4: God Works Through Relationships  

Read Ruth 2:2-3

When Ruth and Naomi returned to Bethlehem, it was Ruth’s connection to Naomi that led her to Boaz. God often works through relationships to provide for our needs. Ruth could have left Naomi behind and struck out on her own, but her loyalty and commitment opened doors of blessing. God places people in our lives for a reason, using those connections to lead us toward His provision and purpose.

God’s provision is often found through the people around us.


How has God used relationships in your life to bless and provide for you? Who can you reach out to for support or encouragement today?

Father, thank You for the people You’ve used to guide and support me. Help me to recognize Your hand at work through the relationships You’ve given me. Amen.
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