Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 3

Day 3: Bitterness and Belonging  

Read Ruth 1:15-18

Naomi’s bitterness was deep. She believed that God had turned His back on her, leading her to isolate herself from those who cared. But Ruth stayed by her side, refusing to leave. Bitterness can make us believe we’re alone, that no one could possibly understand our pain. Yet, God often sends people to walk through the valley with us, like Ruth did for Naomi. Belonging in a community brings healing, but it requires us to open up, even when we’re hurting.

Bitterness keeps us stuck, but connection helps us heal.


Are you holding on to bitterness that’s keeping you from connecting with others? How can you let someone in to help you process your pain?


Lord, help me release my bitterness and let others into my life. Teach me to trust the community You’ve placed around me for support. Amen.

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