Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 2

Day 2: The Power of Connection  

Read Ruth 1:6-14

Naomi tried to push Orpah and Ruth away, believing they’d be better off without her. Orpah eventually left, but Ruth refused. She clung to Naomi, determined to stay connected. In times of distress, our first instinct may be to distance ourselves, like Naomi. But God often places people in our lives to support and strengthen us. Ruth’s persistence is a reminder of the power of connection, even when it feels uncomfortable. We’re not meant to go through hard times alone.  

Connection gives the strength that isolation only promises.


Who are the “Ruths” in your life? How can you let them into your struggles instead of pushing them away?

Father, thank You for the people You’ve placed in my life to support me. Help me to embrace connection, even when I’m tempted to withdraw. Amen.

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