Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 1

Day 1: The Temptation to Isolate  

Read Ruth 1:1-5

Naomi’s family faced unimaginable hardship: a famine, a big move, and the deaths of her husband and two sons. With her heart heavy, Naomi was left feeling hopeless and alone. It’s tempting, in moments like this, to isolate ourselves. Naomi, like many of us, felt the pull to withdraw. In times of stress and grief, isolation can feel like the safest option, but it ultimately leaves us more vulnerable. Connection, especially with God and others, is where true strength lies.

Isolation might promise safety, but it never delivers healing.

When life gets hard, do you lean more toward isolation or connection? How can you choose connection, even when isolation feels easier?

Lord, help me resist the temptation to withdraw when I’m struggling. Teach me to seek connection with You and others, finding strength in community. Amen.
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