On the Road Again - DAY 64

Day 64: The Power of a Welcome

Luke 19:7

When Jesus chose to stay at Zacchaeus’s house, the people around them began to mutter, criticizing Jesus for associating with a sinner. The joke’s on them: no matter who he ate with, Jesus would’ve been eating with sinners!

Yet, this moment highlights the power of a genuine welcome. Jesus didn’t see Zacchaeus as others did; He saw a man in need of God’s love and grace. By welcoming Zacchaeus, Jesus showed that no one is beyond the reach of God’s love.

Welcoming others as Jesus did means seeing them through God’s eyes. It means extending grace and love even when others might judge or criticize. Our willingness to welcome others can be the very thing that leads them to experience God’s transforming power in their lives.

How can you show the love of Christ by welcoming others, even those whom society may judge or reject?

Father, help me to see others through Your eyes and to welcome them with the same grace and love that You have shown me. Amen.

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