On the Road Again - DAY 63

Day 63: Transformation Through Jesus

Luke 19:8-9

We’ve looked at three movements of God’s grace in our lives. First, God invites us to be with him. Second, we must respond with trust or faith. Now we see the third: change.

Zacchaeus’s encounter with Jesus led to a dramatic transformation in his life. He went from being a man known for his greed to one who was willing to give away half of his possessions and repay those he had wronged fourfold. Jesus acknowledged this change, declaring that “salvation has come to this house.”

True transformation happens when we welcome Jesus into our lives. His presence brings about a change in our hearts, leading us to live in ways that reflect His love and righteousness. Just as Zacchaeus’s life was changed, our lives, too, can be radically transformed when we allow Jesus to work in us.

In what areas of your life do you need transformation? How can you invite Jesus to bring about that change?

PRAY: Lord, I welcome You into every area of my life. Transform me from the inside out so that I can reflect Your love and righteousness. Amen.

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