On the Road Again - DAY 61

Day 61: God’s Invitation

Read: Luke 19:1-5

The story of Zacchaeus is a powerful reminder that God’s invitation often comes when we least expect it. Zacchaeus, a wealthy tax collector, was curious about Jesus and went out of his way to catch a glimpse of Him. But instead of just passing by, Jesus stopped, looked up, and extended a personal invitation: “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” This moment marks the beginning of Zacchaeus’s transformation.

God’s invitation is always personal. He knows us by name and seeks us out, no matter where we are in life. Just like Zacchaeus, we might be searching for something, but it’s God who finds us first. His invitation is an expression of His deep love and desire to be in a relationship with us.

When have you experienced God’s invitation? How have you responded?

Lord, thank You for knowing me by name and inviting me into a relationship with You. Help me to always respond with an open heart, ready to welcome You into my life. Amen.

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