On the Road Again - DAY 59

Day 59: The Balance of Boldness and Humility

Luke 18:1-14

Jesus’s two parables in Luke 18 teach us a powerful lesson about prayer: we are called to pray boldly because of God’s mercy, yet humbly because of our need for it. The widow’s boldness and the tax collector’s humility are not contradictory; they are complementary. Together, they form the foundation of a prayer life that is both confident in God’s love and aware of our dependence on His grace.

As we pray, we must hold these two truths in balance. Boldness without humility can lead to pride, while humility without boldness can lead to timidity. Jesus invites us to pray with both, trusting in God’s character and acknowledging our need for His mercy.

Do your prayers reflect both boldness and humility? How can you better balance these two aspects in your prayer life?

Father, help me to pray with both boldness and humility. Teach me to trust in Your mercy while recognizing my need for Your grace. Amen.

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