On the Road Again - DAY 43

Day 43: Embracing the Lost

Read Luke 15:25-32

The younger brother, the so-called “prodigal son,” gets all the attention from this story. But the story doesn’t end with his reunion! There’s an older brother, too, and he struggles with jealousy and resentment when his brother is celebrated. He feels overlooked and unappreciated, despite his loyalty. The father gently reminds him that everything he has is already his and that they should rejoice for his brother’s return.

The older brother’s reaction challenges us to examine our attitudes toward those who come home to God. Heaven loves homecomings - and so should we! We must welcome others with the same grace God extends to us. It’s easy to become self-righteous and resentful, but Jesus calls us to celebrate every person who finds their way back to God.

Do you ever struggle with feelings of jealousy or resentment when others receive grace? How can you better embrace and celebrate the return of those who were lost?

Lord, help me to embrace others with Your grace and to share in the joy of their return to You. Teach me to celebrate homecomings as You do. Amen.

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