On the Road Again - DAY 39

Day 39: Pruning for Growth

Read John 15:2

Jesus says, “He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.”

Pruning is essential for growth. Just as a gardener prunes a vine to encourage more fruit, God prunes our lives to help us grow spiritually. Pruning may remove bad or even sinful habits. It might remove fruitless activities from our lives. It might even remove fruitful activities that need to make way for something even more productive for our character or God’s kingdom. This process can be painful, but it leads to greater fruitfulness and deeper faith.

What areas of your life might God be pruning? How can you embrace this process to grow spiritually?

Lord, help me to accept and embrace Your pruning in my life. Teach me to trust Your process and grow more fruitful for Your kingdom. Amen.

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