JAMES DAY 29 - Submit to God

DAY 29
James 4:4-10

How do we win the fight inside and the fight outside? How do we find happiness?

James answers our question but not with an answer anyone in Hollywood would expect! First, he warns us in 4:4 that we cannot have it both ways: either you live by the world’s way of “ME First!” or God’s way of generosity. When he shoots down “friendship with the world,” James doesn’t mean you can’t have unbelieving friends. “The world” he’s talking about is that self-centered striving. If you embrace that, then you’ve made God your enemy.

He contrasts God’s way with the world’s way one more time in v.5-6, which are hard to put into English. A good translation might be: “Do you think the Scriptures have no meaning? Does your spirit burn with envy? But God gives a greater gift. That’s why Scripture says, ‘God opposes the proud but favors the humble.’” God’s generosity stands out from our usual pursuit of happiness. 

Instead of “more for me!,” James says, “Submit yourselves to God.” 

V.7-10 are Old Testament-inspired pictures of surrendering to God: wash up and weep over your sins. “Submit yourselves” means thoughtful, deliberate turning away from worldly wisdom. It’s giving up, over and over again, every ounce of envy and drive to get more for me. Repent and yield. Surrender to God. Submit. 

Bottom line: striving stops where submission starts.

Submission and surrender are not words we equate with success. They’re not popular pictures of happy people! Sometimes submission is used to bully people. But look at what James says: “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and HE will lift you up.” Don’t strive to lift yourself up. Trust God to do the lifting. Trust God to give you real success and happiness. Striving stops where submission starts. 

This is upside-down truth at the heart of the Christian faith. The way up is down, the way to freedom is surrender. The old hymn writer, George Matheson captured this paradox in Make Me a Captive, Lord: “Make me a captive, Lord, / and then I shall be free. / Force me to render up my sword, / and I shall conqueror be. / I sink in life's alarms / when by myself I stand; / imprison me within thine arms, / and strong shall be my hand.” Striving stops where submission starts. 

What are your impressions of the words “surrender” and “submission?” What’s their connection to happiness?

Examine me, Lord, for any selfishness. Wash me up, inside and out! Come close to me as I come close to you. I surrender all to you. Amen.
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