JAMES DAY 21 - What Is Your Platform?

DAY 21
James 3:1-2

Do you want to be famous?

Believe it or not, your answer depends a lot on when you were born. One in four members of Gen Z, people born roughly 1995-2010, want to be an influencer. An influencer uses social media to make money by influencing what people think, do, and buy. They want a bigger platform, a bigger reach.

James 3 is for Gen Z. James opens this chapter with a warning about being a teacher. Don’t worry, he’s not anti-education. He’s talking about people who teach the Christian faith, the people we trust to guide people in the Way of Jesus. Because of the authority - the influence - we give them, teachers and spiritual leaders can lead people down a bad path.

But there’s a lesson here for anyone seeking a bigger platform. James doesn’t say, “Don’t seek influence.” He says, “Be careful about seeking a bigger platform.” Not only will we all judge you more strictly but so will God. We scrutinize anybody who claims to be an expert. God will examine us even more completely.

James 3 is for the rest of us, too, no matter what year we were born. As he says, “we all stumble in many ways.” We all get tripped up by our words. We say dumb things, hurtful things, things we regret, things we want to take back. But can’t. You may never preach a sermon, but there’s a lesson here for everyone, Christian or not. You might not have a POSITION, but you do have a PLATFORM. No matter your age or role, your words reach somebody - probably more people than you imagine. 

James urges us to ask ourselves, “What is my platform?” Who do my words reach? Who do I influence? 

What is your platform? Who do you interact with in-person? By phone? Online?

Lord, show me the reach of my platform. Help me to see how many people hear, and are influenced, by my words. I want to take my influence seriously. Amen.
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