JAMES DAY 10 - The Devil's Workshop

DAY 10
James 1:26-27

“Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.”

Did you know that’s from the Bible? Well, it is - sort of. It’s from the paraphrase-translation, The Living Bible, of Proverbs 16:27. It’s one of several places in Scripture that warn us that too much downtime leaves room for misbehavior. That includes what we say. 

James paints a picture of a mouth that’s like a wild animal: untamed, wild. Wild words! That’s a little vague but you’ve probably got a good idea of what an out-of-control mouth looks like.

Even worse are wild words from wannabe religious people. James aims at people who think of themselves as religious but no self-control over their language: gossip, slandering, mean words, gutter talk. Wild words make our witness worthless. 

What’s the solution? 

Stay busy doing good. Help people in need. “Widows and orphans” was Old Testament code for the people most at risk in society. Faith that works has an open heart and open hand to help. If we’re busy doing good, we’ll have less time for careless words.

More than that, we won’t just talk about loving people: we’ll actually love people. That’s not something our anger or angry words will ever do. But if we maintain the main thing, focus on follow through, and stay busy doing good, we’ll love louder than words. And faith that works loves louder than words.

How would you rate your self-control over your words? What would you change?

Lord, I don’t want to talk about doing good. I want to do good. I want to be good. Help me, Lord!
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