Revelation Day 24 - Don't Curse Correction

DAY 24
Don’t Curse Correction
Hebrew 12:4-11

All of Revelation, even John’s graphic vision in Rev 8-9, is aimed at our improvement. John says in Rev 9:20 that many of the people who should make a course correction dig in their heels and refuse. Painful situations, even when we suffer greatly, can be opportunities to become better people. Don’t curse correction. God wants reform, not revenge.

Again, we have to be careful about assigning motives, not just to other people but especially to God. There’s little evidence in Revelation to suggest that God directly wills our suffering and no evidence to suggest that God sends suffering simply to make us miserable. However, God disciplining his children is a theme that runs throughout the Bible. Jesus calls us to be disciples, or disciplined followers.

Today’s reading from Hebrews quotes Proverbs to help us appreciate God’s discipline. Pain, suffering, hardship, and simple correction when we do wrong can be God’s tools for our improvement if we let them be. “God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness” (Heb 12:10).

The effectiveness of pain as discipline really depends on our attitude and response. The easiest thing is to hear John’s vision and push it away from ourselves. We do that when we try to make Revelation a calendar of events beyond our control. “Well, John’s just telling us what’s going to happen. God’s gonna do what God’s gonna do.” Or we do that by aiming judgment at someone else. “See, I knew things were bad! People need to get right with God!” Yes, but John’s trying to grab Christians to make them, to make us, look in the mirror.

What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever experienced that ultimately made you better?

Lord, I don’t want to make light of suffering - neither mine or anyone else’s. I don’t like pain any more than the next person, but I want to be the person you imagine I can be. I want that “harvest of righteousness and peace.” Help me to see pain, hardship, and correction as opportunities to grow. Amen.
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