Five Invitations - Day 20

DAY 20 - Conversion of Heart
Colossians 2:10-12 

God commanded Israelite men to be physically circumcised as a very personal sign of their covenant relationship with God. But it seems clear that this physical change was always supposed to represent a deeper, spiritual change. In Deuteronomy, Moses told the people of Israel, “Circumcise your hearts and don’t be stiff-necked anymore.” Something inside must be cut away from men and women alike. Our selfishness and pride need cut away. We need a change from the inside out. But we can’t do that ourselves. We need a surgeon to cut us open and remove the sickness we can’t remove. We need a change, or conversion, of heart.

That’s what God in Jesus Christ does for you. Paul says in Colossians 2, “In Christ you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands. Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ, having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead” (NIV). Again, this is God’s grace, reaching out to connect with you. Jesus Christ serves you by cutting away your sin, making possible a healthy relationship with God, with others, and even yourself.

Do you see what God has done for you? You’ll be forever changed when this gospel grabs your heart. You’ll be forever grateful for God’s grace.

Maybe you’ve heard the gospel but it’s never changed you. It’s not enough to hear about Jesus. It’s not enough to believe in God. It’s not enough to know you’re a sinner. It’s not enough even to know God loves you or that Jesus Christ died to take away your sin. That’s all good but you won’t really change until you’ve had a conversion of heart. Conversion happens when gratitude for God sinks down into your will, your emotions, your attitudes - even your habits.

One sign of this conversion is when you gratefully serve God who first serves you. When you realize what Jesus Christ has done for you, you’ll never think any act of service is beneath you. You’ll look for ways to help people when the love of God grabs your heart. You’ll volunteer to serve. You'll gratefully serve God who first serves you.

Have you experienced conversion of heart? How does your attitude toward serving others reflect your gratitude for God’s grace in Jesus Christ?

Thank you, Lord, for saving me! Thank you, Lord, for making me whole! Cut away my sin. Free to me serve others with gratitude. Amen.

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