Five Invitations - Day 12

DAY 12 - Aim at God
1 Chronicles 29:1-3

Giving uses money to help our relationship with God. Giving is one of five invitations to connect with God that we emphasize here at Quest. A wholehearted follower of Jesus Christ gives their material resources for God’s kingdom and God’s Church.
King David knows what he’s giving TO. He goes beyond a tithe, or 10% of his income. David willingly gives generously. He says in v. 3 he gives “because of my devotion.” He’s giving for the temple, for its bricks and mortar and supplies.

But that’s not really what he’s giving TO. What makes the temple so important? God! David knows what he’s giving to - or, rather, WHO he’s giving to. He’s giving to God.

Most of us don’t want to part with our money. We don’t want to waste it, certainly don’t want to lose it. But we’ll gladly give to a good cause. Even with inflation, many of us have the ability to give. We just need motivation.

Sometimes we give out of duty. Duty’s not a bad thing. Duty’s ok but love is better. David gives because he loves God! Love makes giving a connection point with God.

We have dedicated leaders at Quest who help us budget our resources for ministry. On one level, what does our giving fund? Lights. Heat. Screens. Staff salaries. Kids Quest craft supplies. On a deeper level, our giving supports God’s priorities. It creates a place that encourages authentic community with Jesus Christ at the center. These promote positive life change, healthy families, and compassion that reaches far beyond what we do in this building. We give to God.

Aim your giving at God if you want to connect with God through giving.

What motivates you to give? How does your giving aim at God?

Lord, there are many good causes that deserve funding. I want to give for your priorities. I want to give to you. Help me to aim my giving at you. Grow my love for you. Amen.
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