Five Invitations: JOIN US!


What if God sent you an invitation?

Would you show up? 

What if showing up could change your life? 

This fall at Quest Church, we’re exploring five invitations to connect with God. There’s a pattern: we show up, God shows up, and we're changed for the better. We become more like Jesus every time we accept God’s invitations of grace. 

At Quest, we emphasize five invitations that best help us be like Jesus: worship, give, pray, serve, belong.

Christians call them different things: holy habits, spiritual disciplines, means of grace. I encourage you to think about them as invitations. We'll spend five Sundays beginning October 16 exploring these five invitations.

You can also dive deeper with these daily devotions!

Each week features five, short devotional readings focused on that week's invitation. Daily readings will appear in our app, on our website, or you can sign up to have them delivered to your inbox every morning!

New devotions will publish Monday through Friday. We begin Monday, October 17.

Join us!
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