The Disciple's Path DEVO - Day 2

Day 2: Worship with Your Whole Self

Romans 12:1

What is true worship?

In Romans 12:1, Paul urges us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is true worship. Worship isn’t just about singing songs on Sunday; it’s about offering our entire lives to God. Every decision, every action, every moment can be an act of worship when we live in obedience and surrender.

When we come to God in worship, we bring our minds, emotions, and bodies. Our whole selves are engaged in offering back to Him the life He has given us. It’s easy to compartmentalize worship, making it something we do only during specific times. But God desires that our entire life be an act of worship, reflecting His love and glory.

Reflect: How can you engage more of yourself—mind, body, and emotions—in your daily worship? What does it look like to live your life as a living sacrifice?

Pray: Father, I want my whole life to be an offering to You. Teach me to worship You with everything I am, in every part of my life. Amen.

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