Dumpster Fire DEVO - Day 23

Day 23: Depersonalizing Offense  

Mark 6:5-6  

Jesus wasn’t offended by the rejection he faced in Nazareth, even though the people intentionally disrespected him. Instead of taking it personally, he recognized that their lack of faith was the real issue. He depersonalized the offense, which allowed him to stay focused on his mission. 

We, too, can learn to depersonalize offenses. Sometimes people hurt us intentionally, and other times, they’re just acting out of their own brokenness. Either way, we don’t have to take it to heart. When we depersonalize the offense, we open ourselves up to respond with wisdom and grace.

When have you taken something personally that wasn’t really about you? How might depersonalizing offenses change the way you respond to people?

Lord, give me the strength to depersonalize offenses and respond with grace. Help me to see people through your eyes and not take everything to heart. Amen.

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