On the Road Again - DAY 54

Day 54: Glory Sightings

Read: Luke 17:31-33 

Jesus warns both the Pharisees and his own disciples about missing what’s right in front of them. Many of the Pharisees seemed like a lost cause, but there was still hope for the disciples. Jesus urgest the apostles - and us - not to miss what God is doing today. Glory sightings is one way we can notice God in everyday moments.

To practice glory sightings, look for signs of God’s presence and work in your life. Slow down and pay attention. What good things has God given you today? What warnings are trying to get your attention to steer you away from sin and unwise decisions? Where do you see the fruit of the Spirit? By slowing down and paying attention, we can train our hearts to recognize God’s activity, even in the small things.

REFLECT: How often do you notice God’s work in your daily life? How can you start a habit of looking for “glory sightings” each day?

PRAY: Father, help me to see Your glory in the ordinary moments of my life. Teach me to recognize and celebrate Your presence each day. Amen.

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