On the Road Again - DAY 53

Day 53: Don’t Crave Tomorrow

Luke 17:26-30

Jesus reminds his disciples of the days of Noah and Lot when people were so caught up in their daily lives that they missed the impending doom. They were too focused on the comforts of today to see the warnings of tomorrow. Jesus uses these examples to teach us not to be so eager for tomorrow that we miss what God is doing today.

We often rush through today, craving what tomorrow might bring. But Jesus calls us to be fully present now, to see and respond to God’s work in our lives and the world around us. Craving tomorrow too much can blind us to the opportunities and blessings of today.

REFLECT: Are you more focused on tomorrow than today? How can you slow down and appreciate what God is doing in your life right now?

PRAY: Lord, teach me to live fully in the present. Help me not to rush through today in my eagerness for tomorrow but to see and embrace the work You are doing now. Amen.

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