On the Road Again - DAY 17

Day 17: An Undivided Heart

Psalm 86:11

Mary’s choice to sit at Jesus’ feet reflects a heart fully devoted to Him. Psalm 86:11 says, “Teach me your way, LORD, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.” An undivided heart is one that is not distracted by the many things that can pull us away from God.

We live in a world full of distractions, but like Mary, we can choose to focus on the one thing that matters most—our relationship with God.

What are the distractions that pull you away from spending time with Jesus? How can you cultivate an undivided heart?

Father, give me an undivided heart. Help me to focus on You and rely on Your faithfulness. Teach me Your ways. Amen.

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